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Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What is the difference between a therapist and a coach?

Traditional therapists covered by medical insurance are licensed by the state and have gone through specific training, backed by university degrees and state certification. These psychotherapists often specialize in western modalities and have experience treating DSM-V disorders, usually with cognitive strategies and behavioral modifications. Coaches are less regulated and may or may not be trained or certified, but there are increasingly more officially recognized certifications and trainings, many of which include the very same modalities that therapists use. Since there are less restrictions on coaches, they often incorporate more alternative approaches than traditional western practices. Just like therapists, coaches specialize in different modalities. Sometimes therapists are also coaches so they can help people outside the parameters of western regulations, while sometimes coaches get state licensure in order to accept insurance. More often than not, coaches offer a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit to support health and healing. While similar to therapy or counseling, it can draw on complementary and alternative practices not typically offered by western modalities. Therapists and coaches both tend to be niche-focused. You will often see a myriad of topics listed under a therapist’s practice, but a coach will usually be more specific in their field. The title of therapist or life coach is more like a general practitioner. When choosing either, it is wise to select someone who specializes in exactly what you want help with, in the same way that an orthopedic doctor specializes in the musculoskeletal system. Beyond the technicalities of what makes therapists and coaches different, my personal experiences are as follows: My THERAPISTS focused on diagnosing my problems; My COACHES focused on transformation. My THERAPISTS were very validating and sided with my victimhood; My COACHES were compassionate while holding me accountable for my part. My THERAPISTS stayed in the past; My COACHES used my past to empower me to take responsibility for my present and future. My THERAPISTS let me ruminate on my stories and persist in using strategies that weren’t working; My COACHES helped me unhook myself from my stories and delve into my felt experience, focusing on attuning to what my body and intuition was telling me. My THERAPISTS taught me to think my way to solutions; My COACHES helped me learn how to get out of my head. My THERAPISTS concentrated on fixing circumstances; My COACHES guided me to relax into my discomfort to transmute circumstances. My THERAPISTS based their practice on scientifically proven psychology; My COACHES incorporated holistic paradigms into their practice, treating the entire human experience.

Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What is the difference between a dating coach and a relationship coach?

There’s a big difference between a dating coach and relationship coach. A dating coach helps with dating. A relationship coach helps with relating. A DATING coach helps you navigate the dating scene, especially if you're new to it after a breakup or divorce. They help build your confidence, improve your social skills, and handle rejection. Dating coaches may offer strategies like texting tips and putting your best foot forward. They may help you identify what you want in a partner, but not how you want your relationship to look like. Ultimately, their focus is on finding someone to fill a position. As a REALATIONSHIP coach I help you go beyond that. Relationships are less about strategies and more about understanding each other and how to match another person's energy or another person's nervous system. Relating is about staying present when triggered or stressed, managing emotions, having productive conflict, repairing, and listening to each other. It involves understanding how your behavior impacts others and handling imperfections through collaboration and attunement. You don't need to be in a relationship to work on relationship skills, as the most important factor is yourself. Many people don't fully understand their emotions or how they come across to their partner. I help navigate the nuances within yourself and how they connect with others, focusing on nervous system-to-nervous system attunement.

Julie Vogler, Relationship Coach
Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What is the difference between relationship coaching and couples counseling?

A lot of people ask their partner to go to counseling with them, but when the other party refuses, the one who suggested it thinks they can’t go because it has to be both of them. But just because your partner doesn’t want to go doesn’t mean you wouldn’t benefit by going alone. Like a dance lesson, if you improve your own skills, you can level up your game. Relationship coaching doesn’t even have to be for people currently IN romantic relationships. I personally sought coaching to help me get over my grief because I couldn’t seem to move past the loss. I learned a lot about myself and realized the grief was not about the other person at all but about me. And from there, I learned how to improve my relationships with all the people in my life. While you could originally get coaching or therapy for one reason, you might find yourself benefiting in a different way than you thought. A lot of men are resistant to counseling as they feel it means there is something wrong with them or that they are a failure. Often they don’t see the magnitude of the problem. The bottom line is that YOU are the one suffering and wishing things were different, so your investment is greater than theirs. You do not need to rely on your partner’s cooperation to work on your side of the street, even if you think that it’s all their fault. When the focus is on the couple, you are less likely to get the individual care you need. Once you become more empowered yourself, you will be in a better position to leverage the benefits of couples counseling. I highly recommend couples counseling after getting your own support.

Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

Why would I hire a relationship coach?

Julie Vogler, Relationship Coach

Coaching enables you to identify what’s going on inside yourself. When you feel frustrated and unable to get the results you want, coaching is the answer. A relationship coach can help you recognize where you’re stuck and guide you to see what needs to change. A coach is like a mirror, or a best friend who will call you out when you’re not showing up in a way you want to, give you tough love, and believe in you long before you may be able to. They help you create the exact life you’ve always wanted. As a Relationship Coach for Women of Emotionally Distant Partners, I specialize in your specific issue. I am familiar with the symptoms you are experiencing and can guide you in multiple avenues to emotionally connected relationships. I am not limited to the licensed modalities.

Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What does your approach look like?

Everyone’s circumstances are different, even within the context of this particular issue. The first step is to identify your goal and a good starting point that works for you. While I typically start with objectivity versus subjectivity, I am actually trained and certified in Present-Centered Connections and Conflict-Repair as a Path to Intimacy. I am also very familiar with attachment theory and complex-PTSD, Gottman Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and Relational Life Therapy. I believe that most of the work related to our relationships is within our own body, learning how to connect to our inner wisdom and reprogram our nervous system to discern what is really safe and what is not. In my personal life, I practice meditation, breathwork, sound healing, somatic therapy, and inner child healing. I bring all my experience together to meet the needs of my clients. When you decide to work with a coach, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you get unstuck. You’ll start to understand your mind, body, and spirit better. You’ll see why you’re doing what you do and develop the compassion you need in order to create change. You’ll discover your true potential and begin to notice results that will ripple through all aspects of your life.

Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What should I expect when we work together?

You can expect me to listen to you until you feel seen, heard, and understood. You can expect me to ask you questions that help you see things from a different lens. You can expect to understand yourself better and to know how to show up differently in your life in a way that will affect how people around you respond to you.

Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

What would success look like for me?

Your idea for success would be defined by you. When we work together, we will set a goal and work towards reaching it. What I want to see in my clients is an energetic empowerment by becoming the type of woman that maintains healthy boundaries and attracts equal partnerships. I want to see my clients feel centered as they become comfortable with uncertainty and deepen self-trust, no matter the outcome.

How long do we work together?

I offer both private coaching and group coaching. When we meet for our consultation, we will discuss what’s happening for you, and we can decide together what’s best for you. My goal is to help clients learn to coach themselves, not to become dependent on their coach. You should not have to rely on someone else to figure yourself out, but sometimes you will still need an extra set of eyes to see your blindspots and help you get unstuck. It is also helpful to get coached on other things outside the original goal. Like a dance coach or fitness coach, you would likely want to meet with a relationship coach every week or two in the beginning for several months. You can decide after that, based on where you are, if you want to taper off, and then return on an as-needed basis.

Do you guarantee results?

No, BUT I do guarantee that I will provide you with everything you need to succeed. I promise to coach you and help you understand what’s happening for you. I’ll provide tools, teach you techniques, and show you how to make changes that will last a lifetime. The results are up to you. Show up, get coached, be open to learning, and you’ll get results you never even expected. I suspect that you’ll find that our coaching experience exceeded your expectations.

Julie Vogler, Relationship Coach
Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach
Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach
Julie Connection Specialist, Women's Relationship Coach

How can I get help in between sessions?

I offer a package that includes unlimited email. But for the occasional extra help in between sessions, you can email me at I will respond to your email during my normal business hours. Please keep in mind that I have other clients, so response time will not be immediate but will be within a short period of time.

Julie Vogler Coaching
Julie Vogler

2024 JulieVogler

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