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7pm group lessons

8-10pm social dancing

No partner or experience necessary


Fire Fighters Association Banquet Hall

8925 Frontage Rd

San Antonio, TX 78230




Admission includes the lesson and the social dance afterwards.


Band Night: $15 member/$20 guests

DJ Night: $7 member/$12 guests

After 9pm: $5 for all


  • Membership fees per year are $40/person or $60/couple. $15/child (ages 8 – 16), ($5 off membership First Responders/Military/Students & free  admission/children under 8.)

  • You receive free admission on the night you become a member.

  • Members receive a discount on admissions for an entire year 

Lesson Schedule​


All lessons are progressive, except for the beginner ECS class, which means that moves are built upon each week for the duration of the month.  See website for current schedule.



Music Schedule

1st and 3rd weeks are DJ nights

2nd and 4th weeks are Band nights
See website for current events



In 2016, a group of dancers in San Antonio united to evaluate the decline and division in swing dancing in the local area.  The impact the social world of dance ad in their lives gave them the motivation to renew the vitality of the original swing culture here. They decided to establish a new non-profit 501c7 organization known as Alamo City Swing Revival (ACSR).



  • uniting the swing community

  • providing a variety of traditional swing dance lessons

  • raising swing history awareness

  • promoting good health through swing dance

  • sharing joy

Our Story

Julie Vogler Coaching
Julie Vogler

2025 JulieVogler

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